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The McCormick Institute will be closed on Monday, January 20th. We will resume our normal hours on Tuesday, January 21st.
The Paula Jorde Bloom scholarship application is now open! This year's recipient will receive complimentary registration and up to three days lodging for Leadership Connections 2025. Click here to apply!
Secure our lowest rates for Leadership Connections 2025 by registering before March! Click here to register!
Welcome to Communication in the Workplace: Crafting Connections, Managing Meetings, and Resolving Rifts
This module is divided into three sections: 1. Communication Styles at Work 2. Meeting Practices that Foster Communication 3. Conflict Resolution Strategies The module introduces a communications style assessment tool that administrators can use to examine their communication style and the communication styles of their staff. Building on that information, the module looks at improving meeting practices to foster communication and collaboration, and looks at the differences between relationship and task conflict and how to work with staff on resolving conflicts.
The objectives of this module will help you: