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Module 9: Evaluating Program Quality

Course Number
Program evaluation plays an important role in the administration of high-quality early care and education programs. This module provides a framework for understanding and implementing effective evaluation practices. You’ll learn how to select appropriate evaluation tools to achieve your program goals. You’ll learn how to implement continuous quality improvement, the leadership practice of assessing program needs, defining desired outcomes, developing an action plan, and evaluating outcomes. Rather than being threatening, you will discover how evaluation can help you celebrate program strengths, increase staff collaboration, and improve your program’s quality.


After completing Evaluating Program Quality, you will be able to:

  • Understand the types, purpose, and ethics of program evaluation  
  • Describe and select appropriate evaluation tools for your program
  • Assess your program needs  
  • Define your desired outcomes  
  • Learn about action plans for program improvement
  • Use program evaluation to promote a norm of continuous quality improvement  
Additional Information

You have 90 days to complete the module, beginning the day you purchase the module.